Paintings 1
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Work on paper


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Paintings have their own language. Let them speak by themselves.

La pintura tiene su propio lenguaje. Que hable por si misma.

This is my recent work.
All the paintings were done
in my studio in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Esta es mi obra reciente.
Todos estos cuadros los pinté
en mi estudio en Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Manhattan seen from Brooklyn (1998)

80 x 80 cm
oil on canvas

Two Artists walk (1998-99)
68 x 170 cm
oil on canvas
Sleeping on buildings (1999)
60 x 26 cm
oil on polymer
Locker (1999-00)
40 x 60 cm
oil on canvas
Untiteled (1999-00)
40 x 60 cm
oil on canvas
Cancha (1999-00)
40 x 60 cm
oil on canvas
Triumph (1999-00)
40 x 60 cm
oil on canvas
Por las mujeres (1999-00)
120 x 160 cm
oil on canvas
Por un castillo
120 x 160 cm
oil on canvas
Por la TV
120 x 160 cm
oil on canvas
160 x 120 cm
oil on canvas
160 x 120 cm
oil on canvas
40 x 60 cm
oil on canvas